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Author: Raymond C. Rowe
Edition: 6
Publisher: Pharmaceutical Press
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0853697922
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients (Rowe, Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients)
'The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients' is internationally recognised as the authoritative source of information on pharmaceutical excipients. Medical books Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients . Medical books Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 9780857110275. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, ISBN-13: 9780857110275, ISBN-10: 0857110276
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Medical Book Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients
'The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients' is a comprehensive guide to the uses, properties and safety of pharmaceutical excipients and is an essential reference for those involved in the development, production, control or regulation of pharmaceutical preparations. The handbook collects together essential data on the physical properties of excipients as well as providing information on their safe use and potential toxicity. All monographs are also thoroughly cross-referenced and indexed to allow their identification by chemical, non-proprietary or trade names.